The lineage of Kriya Yoga masters

BabajiLahiri MahasayaShriyukteshwarSanyal MahasayaYoganandaSatyanandaHariharanandaPrajnanananda

Kriya Yoga goes back in time to tens of thousands of years before our era started. In Indiain the nineteenth century this mediation technique was brought back into the modern world with the name Kriya Yoga by the avatar (godlike incarnation) Babaji Maharaj. Babaji chose his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya to spread the technique all over India. Lahiri Mahasaya was not a monk, he had a family, had a daytime job and in the evening he guided mediation classes for his disciples. Lahiri Mahasaya taught the technique to people from all kinds of religious backgrounds; his disciples were Hindus, Muslims, Christians and all other kinds of religion, men and women, worldly people and monks.

Kriya Yoga has been passed directly from master to disciple: from Babaji Maharaj to Lahiri Mahasaya, after that Swami Shri Yukteshwarji, Paramahamsa Yogananda, Paramahamsa Hariharananda and Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, the present Kriya Yoga master. All these yoga masters reached the highest state of meditation: Nirvikalpa Samadhi. This state is the breathless state of purest bliss and realization, where one can experience complete union with the creation and is absorbed in divine love. During this state there is no pulse; no breath. This is the state of the realized masters.